Saturday, January 14, 2023

What is the meaning of gematria?

Gematria is a form of numerology that originated in the ancient Middle East. It has been around for thousands of years and is still used today in some parts of the world, particularly in Jewish mysticism. Gematria is based on the correspondence between numbers and letters—that is, each letter is assigned a numerical value. The meaning of a word or name can then be determined by adding up the numerical values of its letters, and these values are thought to have spiritual and occult powers.

In Gematria, many words are said to have special or hidden meanings. Sometimes these special meanings manifest as prophecies or clues to other esoteric mysteries. In religious literature this practice is known as "notarikon"—reading scriptures in search of secret meanings behind numbers and words. For example, if one were looking for hidden references within the Bible, they might search for passages with particular gematria values associated with them.

In recent times gematria has also been used for calculations such as astrology or Weather Forecasting. Historically it has had applications in Geometry and Cosmology too. Gematric symbols are often found inscribed on ancient monuments that still exist today from different cultures around the world such as that of India and Egypt but also linked to ancient Northern European rituals like those practiced in Witchcraft & Paganism where the 'magickal' properties of numbers were studied when alignment with star patterns formed brief moments which marked important sacred times - popularly known as 'power points'.

Though there have probably been degrees more than others who have studied its true origin, modern day research has suggested that this phylosophy first came out of Babylonian civilisation with influence thought to have come from Assyrian-babylonian culture along with Kabbalah being another major source where Gematric techniques develop over time to form complex codes containing vital knowledge that may be unlocked through study & wisdom practices like meditation & contemplation used by mystics across traditions from all ages - both East & West .

See more about definition of gematria

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